2022 Live Más Student Section

Taco Bell Live Más Student Section is an annual competition that celebrates the most dedicated student fanbase in college football by reserving a section at the College Football Playoff games specifically for 500 students from each school. The program covers the costs for their tickets, giving the biggest game in college football back to the biggest fans – the students.

As the creative lead for the Taco Bell Live Más Student Section program, I developed and directed the visual concept of the campaign, incorporating the brand's iconic colors and a Gen Z-forward design to create a fun and engaging look and feel. As the art director, I oversaw the photoshoot and worked closely with our producer to select the talent and ensure a successful shoot on a tight budget. The campaign was primarily focused on digital platforms, including e-commerce, social media, and PR, and involved creating various assets for these channels.

ROLE: Art Director & Designer | ECD: Jess Kirkman | PHOTOGRAPHER: Renee Bones | ASSIST. PHOTOGRAPHER: Bella Garcia | PRODUCER: Melynda Myrvang | AM: Lauren Dewey | COPYWRITER: Jordan Elle


Georgia Runoff Election Postcards


Taco Bell Social